11 May 2009

someone's got a case of the mondays



i have been so ridiculously unmotivated all day today. everything has been getting on my nerves. i hate days like that. i couldn't get into my work which makes the day even longer. i was a bit of a slacker today: checking blogs, looking for hotel rooms (and having no luck) and looking for an apartment.

the apartment search is getting interesting. it is starting to stress me out already. i dont know if i will be able to find what i want and what i can afford in one place. that stinks. i think i have set my expectations too high. i am hoping to find something similar to carrie bradshaw's fabulous roomy rent-controlled studio...fat chance. ill be going to check out a few places soon though, so that is exciting. i cant wait for the change of pace. being on my own again and not having to report to someone constantly: where are you going? what time will you be home? who will be there? what are you going to do?

i am 25 not 15, i can handle it.

as far as work goes. i totally feel like peter from office space. i just dont feel like doing anything. there is also just so much petty stuff that i dont feel like dealing with. i have a definite “case of the mondays” and its terrible. hearing people whistling and humming in my office doesnt help either. i currently have my ipod on top volume to drown out all the annoyances. i wish i had a cubicle so i could just hide. its not that im antisocial, i just dont feel like talking to people.

i almost feel guilty putting up such a negative post. almost...


  1. i have days like that all the time baby. you aren't the only one.

  2. haha, you're not alone. no worries :o)

  3. i feel the same way about work. i half ass everything. and feel EXTREMELY unmotivated.

    Good luck on finding that apartment!!

  4. You are FREE to write a negative post!
    And good for you for staying away from the petty things at work.

    And living with my family, I completely understand what you mean about the reporting thing...sigh
