15 December 2009

sticker balance shock

i gave into the imposing doom of checking my credit card balances today. yikes. i knew that after the recent christmas shopping binge that it would be ugly. i guess i wasn't prepared for just how ugly. it's like my credit card flew from the top of a debt decorated christmas tree and hit every branch on the way down. merry xmas to me.

on top of that, i lost my citypass for the cta today. damn it. it was in a cute little coach change purse that was an awesome find at the outlet mall. damn.

to end things on a positive note, i had tea at the swanky peninsula hotel with my family today and it was spectacular. insanely overpriced for tea, one glass of champagne and finger food, but so cute. beautifully festive christmas decor, excellent customer service and tasty little pastries.

but im still pissed about my bus pass.


10 December 2009

playing catch up

so i was a total failure with NaBloPoMo. wow. oops! i lack what you would call...motivation...sometimes. unless there is a piece of chocolate hanging in front of my face, i really fail to complete any task these days. i have been so overwhelmed with wedding planning and christmas and just life, that i am really trying to play catch up with everything.

wedding planning is in full swing. i'd like to think i've made good progress. most of the biggies have been nailed down: dress (yay!), bridesmaid dresses, flowers, venue, officiant, photographer. i have played email-tag with some musicians, but haven't scheduled interviews yet. it is honestly just a pain in the ass. i'd rather throw their names in a hat and just pick one so i don't have to be bothered with it anymore. we have to go try out some bakeries too. that should be fun. because we get to eat. chocolate. mmmm mmm. what's not to like? then there's a whole bunch of other stuff like what my hubs2b wants to wear, what his guys will wear, hotels, my veil and accessories and SHOES (very, very important), favors, registering for gifts, planning the shower, invitations (this is my profession and i am anal retentive so this should prove to be quite a pain in the ass bc i don't foresee myself allowing anyone to help me bc i like to torture myself), and the list goes on and on. it is fun, don't get me wrong and i know i will be sad when it's over, but right now, i want to throw something. at someone.


and then there's christmas. ohhhh christmas. like every year, i waited until december to shop. however, unlike other years, i am doing all of my shopping online. i'll be damned if im fighting off some soccer mom for a snuggie or standing in lines that are 5 blocks long to buy something i could have had mailed to my doorstep. no. id say im about half way done. im having a hard time coming up with inexpensive ideas that aren't really stupid and still have some sort of thought put into it. sure, i can buy everyone socks and call it a day, but that's not really what i do. it'll come together. or i guess, there's always the sock idea. or pink, footie bunny pajamas...

this post has really been a bitch fest. sorry! i'm not really that needy or pouty. i guess i just needed to vent. im working on our save the dates tonight and im actually really excited about it. i bought stamps for our xmas cards and will mail those out tomorrow. done and done. moving right along. maybe motivation will find me on the couch tonight...