20 April 2009

just for m.e.

my impromptu pic complete with Jen holding a banana up in the background.

make sure to take notice of my zac efron cut out from the newspaper. it just proves my ever inapporiate crush on the child.

18 April 2009

It's beginning to look at like like...spring time?

I love nice weather. It doesn't even have to be that warm or sun shiney. Just nice. I'm sitting on a bench waiting for a train to take me to the glorious city of Chicago. I am at least 20 min early, of course (in the words of our wise ol' band director: if you are on time, you're late!). As I sit, I have time to appreciate what a beautiful day it is.

My phone is telling me it's 72 degrees. It's breezy and overcast, but still beautiful. I can hear birds chirp and sing with their friends, hear my hair gently rustle as a cool breeze passes through my curls. Opera music is being carried on that same breeze from a near by open apartment window. A fine soundtrack to this beautiful afternoon. I can also smell the sweet fragrance of freshly cut grass. Someone must have been doing yard work today.

This is the first day this season that I have been able to wear a short sleeves shirt without a jacket AND flip flops at the same time. My toes are relishing in the breezy freedom the flips provide.

It most certainly looks like rain, but it will be a spring rain instead of a winter one. The air probably won't cool to less than 60 degrees which means the rain will not freeze over night. Definitely a sign of summer.

However, I am not completely optimistic, I never am. I have a jacket tucked under the arm of my overnight bag. One can only hope for many mor of these beautiful days in the upcoming months.

-- Post From My iPhone

16 April 2009

I feel out of place

As I write, I am in a meeting at work. It's a weekly meeting that I normally do not attend. Today I'm simply filling in bc my boss is out of town. Today, I shouldn't be in this meeting. I'm a lowly, hourly employee. A peon. The other people in attendance are our company's VP's and managers.

I feel out of place.

We are in a conference call that is dealing with a subject matter that is out of my league. It's about something I really don't even need to know about. I get the feeling that I shouldn't be here.

I feel awkward!

Do I sit and pretend to pay attention? Or do I bolt for the door? Of course I sat on the far side of the room, the very farthest seat from the door, when every other time I attend I sit right by the door so I can get the hell out of there asap.

I think I'm going to make a break for it...

If I survive, I have a margaritas and movie date with m.e. tonight that I couldn't be more excited for!

-- Post From My iPhone

06 April 2009

If I were a dwarf today, I would be frickin Grumpy

When I went to bed last night, I predicted I would be grumpy today. At the time, I didn't know the reason or reasons that would cause said grumpiness, but upon awaking, I was slapped in the face with a big fat helping of grumpy.

I woke up with cramps. Never good. Irritated and pained, I went to the basement to take a shower and get ready for work. I peaked outside to check what weather to dress for and found 3 inches of slushy snow on the ground. Yuck. I put my cute and springy peep toe pumps in the back of the closet and grudgingly reached for my uggs. I thought I was done with this until November.

I pulled myself together and tip toed out of the house, being careful not to wake gram. After I locked the door and went to my car, I felt the grumpiness creep up on me again. An ugly flat tire was staring me in the face. Seriously? Today? I just stood and stared at it for a few moments. I was pissed to say the least. I called my dad so he could help me change the tire. I hated to call him bc I didn't want him to get dirty and start his morning off fixing a flat tire. But, of course, daddy came to save the day. We filled the tire and took it to the shop to get patched. This is all happened by 8:30am.

Did I mention I'm not a morning person? Will the rest of the day be as disappointing?

To be continued...

-- Post From My iPhone

01 April 2009


I realize I haven't updated my blog in about 2 weeks. Everytime I think about it I get a little mopey. It has been something I have really enjoyed amd it makes me sad that I haven't been able to do! I haven't had Internet service for almost a month as I've been staying with my gram.

SO that is my excuse. I did purchase an app for my phone to update my blog but it is harder to use than I had origianally predicted. I can't type as fast and the autocomplete chooses whatever words it feels like instead of the words I want. As I have mentioned before, I HATE typos. One of my biggest pet peeves. (as a side note: I fully intend to write an entry about my laundry list of pet peeves. I'm sure you will have many of them in common). This app makes it a pain to check for typos so I just say the hell with it and just let it go.

So I have decided that I need to have a shopping day. I'm so excited! I want to buy shoes and underwear and some books. The boy toy introduced me to the show Dexter on Showtime and I love it! I really want to buy the books it's based off of, though I have no idea when I'll actually have time to read them :-/ The next Sookie Stackhouse novel came out yesterday and I need to add that to my collection also. Speaking of...season 2 of TrueBlood starts June 14! So excited!

Ok my free time is up. I'm hanging out with my two lil cousins tonight and they are keeping me busy making Easter pictures and watching the lion king! I hope to write again soon.

-- Post From My iPhone