17 March 2009

problems in the work place

this is just a quick little snippet of what is to come later, as i am at work and have a limited window of time to bring this little diddy to you. does anyone have problems with coworkers?

people laughing too loud, on the phone constantly, abrasive attitudes, cold shoulders, slamming of tools/other objects, heavy sighs, whispering, snickering and the like?

sometimes i feel like you can cut the tension with an xacto knife.

more to come...

16 March 2009

My kind of town

I love Chicago. The tall buildings, all the people, the general hustle and bustle. The city itself is like a living and breathing organism. People constantly coming and going. Everyone has their own agenda. I love the sound of cars and horns honking down below as I lie in bed in our swanky hotel room at the allerton.

The boy toy and I spent the weekend in Chicago. The reason for the trip was to see the field museum of natural history and then go to the south side Irish parade the next day. The pirate exhibit at the museum was sold out and we were pretty bummed. We walked around and saw a temporary Aztec exhibit and some ancient egyption stuff, but we got pretty bored and left early. There were also hundreds of kids there, rude and annoying kids, that we wanted to get away from pronto. We ended up taking advantage of the beautiful weather and walk the 2.5 miles from the museum to the hotel.

We window shopped, ate sushi and enjoyed some cocktails. There is so much to do in Chicago and we went home pretty early. We were both so tired! We were thinking that we would have an early wake up call to go to the parade the next day but we were wrong. My friend, Peanut, whom we were supposed to meet at the parade, had a minor mishap the nght before and gave herself a goose egg on her head. Needless to say she didn't make it to the parade. Boy toy and I decided to walk around and just enjoy the nice day.

We tried out my wii fit last night. I was very disappointed when I set up my wii mii and it turned out to be very chubby. I k ow I'm not as thin as I used to be but come on. I don't need some cartoon likeness mocking me! Anyway, wii fit is totally dun and has a little something for everyone. I'm definitely looking forward to unlocking new excercises and games.

This entry is pretty lame, I know. It's also the first entry that i've done using a new app on my iPhone. So of this is full of spelling and grammatical errors (one of my pet peeved) I do apologize. I have been staying with my gram and she doesntbhave Internet so I have to make due with what I have!

Hopefully there will be more exciting things to come...

11 March 2009

birthday afoot

today was a friend's birthday at work. he HATES feet. the girls and i decided it would be cute if we made him a foot cake. here is what our masterminds came up with:

complete with Frito scoops as toe nails and Hershey chocolate eggs as moles. mmmm mmm creepy.

06 March 2009

material girl

i was listening to my ipod at work, desperately trying to drown out the soft core porn techno that was playing from across the office, when madonna’s material girl started playing. i started to tap my feet and swing my head back and forth to the beat, pursing my lips and lip syncing and sort of making an ass out of myself. muffin, who sits at the desk right next to me, gave me the stink eye for dancing. i love you muffin :) so i was listening to the lyrics and thinking....hmmm material girl. we are all sort of material girls right? sort of? we like certain belongings of ours and probably would be less than pleased if we weren’t able to use them anymore. so, i thought i would share my top 10 material items that i would have a hard time living without:

1. my iphone. i’ve had this phone for just over a year and i am seriously lost when i accidentally leave it at home or forget to charge the battery. i absolutely love being able to text, get email, surf the web, call, balance my checkbook, play online poker, listen to my ipod and google, whenever i want.

2. a really good book. i won’t name a specific book, any book will do. if its a book off of my favorites list, that would be ok too. getting lost in a good book is one of my favorite hobbies. i feel like its more worth while than frying my brain watching a movie (although i looooove movies too)

3. a good pair of baggy, soft sweatpants. i like to sag my sweats way down until they are right about my butt. i pull the elastic by my ankle down around the arch of my foot so they cover my heel, but my toes are still showing. the crotch of the pants has to be somewhere around my knees for me to be absolutely comfortable. this is probably due to my “thug” days in high school. if you could even call them thug. i won’t wear these pants out of the house unless it’s absolutely necessary (although in high school, and college i regret to say, i wore them out many a time).

4. a big hoodie. hoodies are a staple in my wardrobe and i will never be without one. i have 4 purdue hoodies and i love each and everyone. 3 of them aren’t even warm anymore because the material has thinned from being washed so many times. the arms are starting to pill from constant wear. my go-to outfit is baggy sweats and a hoodie. mmmmm comfy.

5. music. music can change my mood instantly, or enhance it depending on the song. i love to dance and sing, although i don’t do either very well. dancing around my room or in the car feels like such a release sometimes.

6. chapstick. i have become dependent on my chapstick. i rarely wear anything else on my lips. i have blistex sleek and shine and regular old chapstick brand chapstick in my purse. these lips are never dry or cracked.

7. uggs. they are so ugly, but oh so comfy. they pull right on, too, which makes them so convenient.

8. flip flops. do i really even need to explain this one?

9. my mac. i love my computer. it was a big purchase, but it was def worth the price tag. its spectacular and it makes me happy :)

10. the complete sex and the city collection. this show can cheer me up on a day when i want to write off the world, or when i feel like the world has written off me. i laugh at the ridiculous humor and relate to some of their crazy situations. i cry when carrie gets her heartbroken and get excited when she makes a shoe purchase :) i watch this series over and over again and it never gets old.

well, i have to be honest and tell you that it was really hard coming up with 10 things. i am really not that materialistic after all. that makes me feel pretty good. i think i could leave my things behind without too much of a fight, but i don’t intend to find out anytime soon.

what are some of your favorite things?

let's take a moment to admire this man, fake or not

i know i have been slacking on my blog entries, i apologize, but m.e. was kind enough to forward on this photo to me, fake or not. i love the twilight series and am totally pumped for new moon to come out in november. this poster was taken off of perez hilton's website and looks totally yummy. real or not. the background looks a little too cheesey to be real, and i'm pretty sure rob pattison's head has been photoshoped on someone else's body, but still...YUM. if you haven't read the twilight series yet, i strongly suggest you take a peek :)

01 March 2009

you likey?

i decided to spice things up on my page.  i cant decide if i like it or not.  what do you think? yay or nay?