17 March 2009

problems in the work place

this is just a quick little snippet of what is to come later, as i am at work and have a limited window of time to bring this little diddy to you. does anyone have problems with coworkers?

people laughing too loud, on the phone constantly, abrasive attitudes, cold shoulders, slamming of tools/other objects, heavy sighs, whispering, snickering and the like?

sometimes i feel like you can cut the tension with an xacto knife.

more to come...


  1. I feel like that in the teachers lounge. people are just so cliquey in there. and its kinda segregated too.

    it really bothers me.

  2. p.s. i LOVE LOVE LOVE ur header :D :D :D

  3. ugh, i detest people like that. it's like they never graduated from immature teenager status.

  4. hmmmm....is there a conspiracy against you???

    an award for you!!!
